Our Business
Live across five continents, Alfa Systems is the SaaS platform of choice for asset finance companies, worldwide.
Hear from our CEO
Alfa is a leading asset finance software company with global scale. Our core platform, Alfa Systems, has been supporting some of the world’s largest and most innovative companies for more than 30 years.
More about Alfa Systems:
Our CTO on Technology
A deep dive into Alfa's technology with CTO Andrew Flegg and CEO Andrew Denton.
Investment Case
Alfa continues to win customers, broadening across sectors and company size.
Embedded customer relationships drive strong recurring revenues, augmented by Alfa Cloud.
Strong existing IP being continually enhanced along with new IP.
Clear strategy, which can be self-funded, to deliver continued growth and dividends to shareholders (£119m in dividends paid out since 2020).
Asset finance is a massive ($3.4bn*) market with relative resilience. With wholesale, loans and mortgages potential addressable market up to $1tn.
*Source: A Deloitte view of the asset finance software industry, published in 2022
Market demands are driving the need for modern specialist software. Push factors include regulatory and cybersecurity concerns. Pull factors include digital, mobility and cost reduction opportunities.
Market complexity and changing regulation creates a significant barrier to entry for new software providers.
Alfa is recognised as leading software in the automotive and asset finance industry, with the best delivery record and people, but with only around 3% of the target market spend.
Full Year Report Figures
All the figures are extracted from the Full Year results to 31 December 2024, dated 13 March 2025.