Alfa Tackles Topic of System Integrations in New Paper
Alfa has published the third paper in its series on agile project delivery, Innovation in Implementation, focusing on best practice in system integrations.
The new paper Integration - Leveraging the Power of an Open Platform discusses how best to approach the integration aspect of a systems transformation project, including the prioritisation of features and portfolios, aligning the various teams, understanding the data, and designing integrations that are easy to build, change and maintain.
Miro Torma, a Project Manager with Alfa and co-author of the paper, said: “Modernising your core platform can disrupt point-to-point integrations, which may have been developed over many years. It follows that their reimplementation, with all functionality retained or improved upon, is a key project challenge. Leveraging the Power of an Open Platform can not only help other implementers through that challenge, but also ready them for longer-term success.”
Ryan Fong, a Solution Architect and the other co-author, said: “We always place an emphasis on partnership and teamwork, with our strength and experience in both platform and delivery complementing the vision of the client. In this series we’re sharing our full experience for the benefit of those embarking on a systems implementation, and those who are focused on integration will recognise the challenges we address in this paper.”
In the Innovation in Implementation series, Alfa’s agile experts draw on their talent and experience to discuss ways in which agile can be used to deliver quickly and often. They present the main challenges to consider when operating within a complex systems landscape, with many interdependent factors that aren’t easy to separate into manageable chunks.
The first paper, #1 Derisking Your Systems Replacement Project through Phased Implementation explored the use of agile methodologies to de-risk large scale software implementation projects. The second, #2 Agility in Data Migration - Onboarding Portfolios Efficiently and Effectively, looked at the complex task of migrating huge volumes of legacy data.